L.J. Kruse Co. – Strategies for Reducing Your Air Conditioner Consumption

3 Sep by Will Kruse

L.J. Kruse Co. – Strategies for Reducing Your Air Conditioner Consumption

The power consumption of an air conditioner can be affected by a lot of different things, like the age and condition of the unit, the layout of the space, the design of the air ducts, how air-tight the room is, and the weather. Because of all of these factors, it’s tough to say how much power an air conditioner will use. However, there are some tips you can use to reduce your air conditioner consumption. Keep reading this article.

Set the AC at a Degree Higher

Most people cannot tell the difference between a room set at 53 degrees and a room set at 54 degrees. This small change will help the air conditioner run less frequently and use less power. It is important to ensure everyone in the home or workplace is aware of the goals for reducing air conditioner power consumption so that everyone can contribute.

Use a Thermostat

To use your air conditioning unit efficiently, it is important to monitor when it is turned on and adjust the temperature as needed. An automated or smart thermostat can help make this process easier by creating a schedule for the AC unit and providing information about energy usage.

Keep the Ducts Clean

If the vents and ducts are clean, the air conditioner won’t have to work as hard and will use less power. Additionally, if the furniture and room layout do not block the vents, the air conditioner will be more efficient.

Pay Attention to the AC’s Maintenance

If you neglect your air conditioner, the components will get dirty, the electrical connections will loosen, and the parts will start to wear out. This will make your system less efficient and use more electricity.

Change the Air Filters Regularly

A clogged air conditioner filter can cause your air conditioner power consumption to go up because the system has to work harder to push air through the filter. Dust can also gather on fans and motors, slowing down the system and causing it to run longer and use more power.

Insulate the Room

If you want your air conditioner to be as efficient as possible, you should make sure that cool air isn’t escaping from your home. You can do this by sealing up any leaks and adding insulation. This will ensure your AC doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you want.

Retrofit Your Air Conditioner

There are many ways you can make your air conditioner more energy efficient without necessarily having to replace the entire unit. Some options include adding more ventilation, condenser fan controls, or replacing the compressor.

Retrofitting is a process where you upgrade an existing system with new features or technology. This can be a good option if your system is used a lot, uses a lot of power, and has been regularly maintained. Retrofitting can give you some of the benefits of a newer system without investing a large sum in a total replacement.

Choose an Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner

When looking for a new air conditioner, consider getting a different type of system than what you had before. A new one will be more energy efficient, but you may be able to reduce your air conditioner power consumption even more with a different type of equipment.


There are several ways to reduce air conditioner consumption, such as turning off the AC when you’re not home, using a fan instead of the AC, or setting the AC to a higher temperature. You can also reduce your air conditioner consumption by ensuring your home is well insulated and sealing any air leaks. By following these tips, you can save money on your energy bill and help reduce your carbon footprint.

Do you need AC repair in Berkeley? Turn to L.J. Kruse Co., a family-owned and -operated plumbing, heating, and cooling company in Berkeley, California, serving residential and commercial clients. Request a service now.

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